Survey Solutions
GEOTERRAIMAGE has developed innovative and modern technological methodologies and algorithms to maintain this database (GTI Sampling Frame), which can be used as a foundation to design and prepare sample surveys.
GEOTERRAIMAGE has developed innovative and modern technological methodologies and algorithms to maintain this database, which can be used as a foundation to design and prepare sample surveys. This allows demographic estimates, and analysis of neighbourhood lifestyle and socio-economic indices, urban expansion, landscape changes, and urban characteristics, down to enumeration areas to assist in comprehensive planning and design of sample surveys.

Sampling Frame
The GTI Sampling Frame provides a comprehensive set of key variables including the number of households, nighttime population, estimated daytime working population, demographics, Neighbourhood Lifestyle Index®© (NLI®©), and geographic type e.g. metro, urban, rural (farms and traditional).
The sampling frame also fills the voids of new urban expansion (New Developments and densification – e.g. vacant to golf estate) by keeping track of these changes and updating the population demographics associated with such change. These updates are released annually.
The GTI Sampling Frame can be used on any boundary (Enumeration Area, Sub Place/suburb, Municipal, etc., or any custom boundaries).

We provide fundamental demographic insights to support a better research project and conclusion while improving the quality of your survey for more accurate results.

Neighborhood Lifestyle Index®© (NLI®©)
GEOTERRAIMAGE Neighbourhood Lifestyle Index™© (NLI®©) is an income-based indicator that segments areas according to various lifestyle characteristics, providing researchers with the latest market segmentation at an enumeration area (EA) level.
The Neighbourhood Lifestyle Index™© (NLI®©) can be used as a profile/analysis tool for survey planning and design, as well as to analyse results for the different income groups (low to high-income classes).

Urban Dynamics- Building Census
Our database consisting of 84+ unique building structure classification classes (with more than 18 residential classes) is continuously updated, providing key input for the annual updating of the GTI Sampling Frame. GEOTERRAIMAGE provides the cutting-edge factor, as sectors can keep track of urban, regional, and rural development, stagnation, and declines.
The availability of the building structure information in the sampling frame makes it possible to sample specific dwelling types (e.g informal structures) or non-residential types (e.g. commercial structures).

Advanced Population Dynamics
This dataset indicates the influx and outflow of the working population indicating where people are during the day. This, together with the remainder component is useful information for survey planning and interviewing time scheduling.

Survey Sampler
Survey Sampler, the revolutionary tool which is based on the GEOTERRAIMAGE building structure dataset, can be used to draw the dwelling and/or non-residential building structures for the interviewing process. The unique building structure points ensure precise sample locations for the specified dwelling and/or non-residential building structure types, by providing the latitude and longitude coordinates of each sampling unit, as well as a Land Use classification. Clear fieldwork maps, showing the area with the selected sampling points, are also produced.

Computer-assisted telephonic interview (CATI)
It is also possible to design a mixed CAPI (Computer-assisted personal interview) – CATI survey, for example, lower /middle-income CAPI and higher-income CATI.

Survey solutions for Africa
GEOTERRAIMAGE provides agile solutions to integrate, relevant information and knowledge for most African countries which allow for consistent, repeatable, and reliable data generation and solutions such as sampling.