Retail & FMCG
With more than 20 years of experience in data processing and strategic insights we are able to assist this dynamic sector by ensuring that return on investment is optimized through an improved market strategy, site selection, competitor comparisons and identifying risks and opportunities in time to pro-actively address the change. Understanding the value throughout your business is key in unlocking the potential of integrated information as it can be beneficial to manufacturing, logistics as well as marketing and sales.
With more than 20 years of experience in data processing and strategic insights we are able to assist this dynamic sector by ensuring that return on investment is optimized through an improved market strategy, site selection, competitor comparisons and identifying risks and opportunities in time to pro-actively address the change. Understanding the value throughout your business is key in unlocking the potential of integrated information as it can be beneficial to manufacturing, logistics as well as marketing and sales.

Neighborhood Lifestyle Index®© (NLI™©)
Through the Neighborhood Lifestyle Index®© (NLI®©) GEOTERRAIMAGE provides the Retail and FMCG markets with a competitive edge by creating opportunity to geolocate one’s customer base in order to analyse them in a map-based context by overlaying them on the NLI®© segments. In doing so one can identify what percentages of customers come from which segments in life and concentrate one’s marketing in these areas. Besides the obvious, it creates opportunity to identify similar segments of the NLI®© that have no penetration of customers (a gap analysis) highlighting potential for new stores or new marketing areas that should be penetrated.

Development & Expansion insights, Urban Dynamics, Urban landscape Characteristics
GEOTERRAIMAGE specializes in providing current, consistent and comparable information and decision support services on the ever-changing urban environment. By strategically and continuously identifying, mapping and classifying building structures in South Africa, GEOTERRAIMAGE provides the Retail and FMCG industry with summarised information on various administrative levels such as suburbs or EAs as they have an inventory of every building at a micro level. A holistic view on building structures across South Africa, as well as annual updates aid public and commercial sectors to keep tract of urban, regional and rural development, growth as well as stagnation and declines.
The New Developments© not only answers where, but also how much the impact will be of all current earth works and expansions on the surrounding environment, as all the data gathered are quantified. With our monthly New Developments© insights, GEOTERRAIMAGE aids the retail and FMCG market in understanding where new housing, commercial or industrial sites are being erected, supporting demand forecasting and service delivery as areas expand, densify and change, crucial information to industries that constantly need to be planning, be it healthcare, manufacturing, retail, telecommunications or education.

Advanced Population Dynamics & Demographics
GEOTERRAIMAGE provides the Retail and FMCG insights to the current demographic distribution per enumeration area (EA) in terms of Age, Race and Gender as well as the dominant occurrence in each of these categories.
The GEOTERRAIMAGE day-time population information is designed to provide insight into the working and residual population of an area during the day, whereas the national census information (night-time population) is essentially a night-time survey indicating where people reside.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of your current and potential trade area while identifying risks and opportunities- essentials in an ever-changing and competitive business environment

Understanding Township Dynamics
Being able to strategically locate township areas at Enumeration Area (EA) level, allows the Retail and FMCG markets with insights to the demand for products, deliveries and opportunistic services within this ever-changing complex environment. The livability index also helps to determine quality of life in an area and often indicates needs by highlighting lack of what is currently available.

Insights to retail in Africa- Globally
GEOTERRAIMAGE provides an agile solution to integrated, relevant information and knowledge for Africa. We offer retailers access to consistent, repeatable and reliable data and solutions as gathered by the using artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide the scarce resource for planning purposes called information.