Quantifying the Visual Impact of Wind Turbines on the Landscape
Wind Turbines are a valuable contributor to renewable energy and reduce fossil fuel requirements, strategically placed in areas with consistent and sufficient wind flow. GeoTerra Image provides an independent perspective capable of highlighting and quantifying the visual impact of planned or constructed wind turbines on wide-area landscape aesthetics; such as required in support of Environmental Impact Assessments
The GEOTERRAIMAGE Wind Turbine Landscape Visual Impact Assessment service provides an independent quantification of the number of wind turbines visible from any point in the landscape and the degree of visibility in terms of the amount of turbine structure exposed. This information service can be scaled across large area landscapes with hundreds of turbine structures in a single assessment.
Wind turbines affect various industries, including Tourism and Hospitality, Aviation, and Agriculture, depending on their location, visibility, and even the degree of structure exposure. The turbines might seem small in a distant landscape and be visually dominating, intrusive, or noticeable, affecting landscape perception and preference.
An independent Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) could avoid wind turbines in the backdrop of a perfect panoramic view, and assist in minimising the impact of inappropriately located wind turbines.
Abraham Lincoln definitely recognized the potential of technology or natural resources when he said, “As yet, the wind is an untamed, and unharnessed force; and quite possibly one of the greatest discoveries hereafter to be made, will be the taming, and harnessing of the wind.”
GTI Environmental Website: www.geoterra-environmental.com