Nurturing our wetlands through evidence-based management – intelligence

Nurturing our wetlands through evidence-based management – intelligence that is scalable across the globe

Wetlands are often referred to as the Earth’s kidneys because they play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and supporting diverse ecosystems. Now, more than ever, these invaluable habitats face increasing threats from human activities and climate change and demand more effective evidence-based management that can be scaled and automated for better decision-making. Wetlands are also dynamic environments that undergo constant changes, with human activities and climate change affecting the acceleration of these transformations.  

Human activities, including urbanization, agriculture, and industrialization, can pose significant threats to wetlands. The need to identify changes in land use and detect signs of degradation at regular intervals can help conservationists advocate for sustainable practices and develop strategies to balance human needs with wetland preservation. Earth observation and remote sensing provide a means to assess the impact of such activities on wetland ecosystems, regularly and repeatedly. Satellite-derived evidence allows for the creation of time-series data, enabling scientists to track changes in wetlands over extended periods, go back in history, and track resources across borders. This historical perspective and transboundary capability are crucial for understanding long-term trends, assessing the impact of conservation efforts, and predicting future developments.

GEOTERRAIMAGE understands that one of the primary challenges in wetland management is the ability to assess and monitor the health of these ecosystems. We are constantly improving our ability to leverage the realm of Earth observation and remote sensing as tools to help preserve and promote sustainable management of wetlands. Through the use of the latest in cloud processing technologies and model-based solutions, we have automated our capabilities to accelerate the processes by which this intelligence is created and packaged, to help our clients make timely decisions. 

By employing our technical expertise, our clients can track alterations in water levels, identify shifts in vegetation patterns, delineate wetland boundaries and changes in the extent over time, as well as gather insights into the types of vegetation, water quality, and land use types within the wetland area. Our data packages therefore provide critical supplementary intelligence that can be used to regularly monitor wetland parameters, such as water quality, vegetation health, and changes in the landscape. By integrating and analyzing this data project teams can identify potential stressors, such as pollution or habitat loss, and implement timely interventions to mitigate these threats.

Independent remote monitoring consequently poses an incredible advantage over in-situ data as the only data source since satellite data is not restricted by borders or jurisdictions. To offer truly globally scalable wetland management solutions, it is important to include this intelligence as part of project deliverables.  

This specialized data collection method is not always available to our clients as an in-house service, which is why we have developed pertinent intelligence packages over the years that can be used by our consultancy clients as part of the project toolbox. Our data intelligence packages are indispensable tools in the modern arsenal of wetland conservation. By providing comprehensive data, enabling regular monitoring, and fostering global collaboration, these technologies empower our clients to become true stewards of wetlands, ensuring that these vital ecosystems thrive for generations to come. As we prepare to celebrate World Wetlands Day on the 2nd of February 2024, let us recognize the pivotal role that Earth observation and remote sensing play in safeguarding the health and resilience of our planet’s wetlands.

Some examples of how our capabilities have played a role in wetland management can be found at the following links:

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