Market Research
Products, Solutions & Services
The question on the market research community’s lips should be: “How can we, as an industry, utilise the accessible technologies to overcome the challenges the 21st century’s dynamic environment presents?”-To provide evidence based, actionable guidance and research to assist governments, businesses and societies in their decision-making processes.
GEOTERRAIMAGE supports the Market Research industry and their objectives through the development of disruptive solutions. Taking into consideration the pace of our everchanging environment, we’ve managed to create industry specific solutions by asking our clients the right questions. Our user-friendly, integrated solutions, combined with near real-time information allows users to qualify, quantify and monitor information at rapid pace, while saving costs.
Neighborhood Lifestyle Index®© (NLI™©)
Development & Expansion Insights
plan ahead and ensure that future service delivery demands will be met, as areas expand
or develop.
The New Developments© not only answers where, but also what the impact will be of all current earth works and expansions on the surrounding environment. Information on developing areas are crucial to industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, telecommunications and education.
Urban Dynamics- Building Census
Our unique 84 class classification describes the Land Use type of approximately 16 Million building structures across South Africa. Annual updates provide the cutting-edge factor, as sectors are able to keep tract of urban, regional and rural development, stagnation and declines.
Location Information
formulated with the Market Research industry in mind. GEOTERRAIMAGE provides researchers access to the
most up-to-date address information, as verified data forms the foundation of any research project.
GEOTERRAIMAGE provides researchers access to the most up-to-date address information. This unique
information ensures precise sample point location by providing the latitude and longitude coordinates for each
sampling unit., as well as the land use classification.
Advanced Population Dynamics
infrastructure within an area. Through integrating various information sources, we ensure our population
estimates relate to current environmental dynamics, thus offering the most up-to-date, relevant and consistent
The GEOTERRAIMAGE day-time population information is designed to provide insight into the working and
residual population in an area during the day, whereas the national census information (night-time population)
is essentially a night-time survey, indicating where people reside.
requires current, comparable and consistent demographic information. GEOTERRAIMAGE provides insights to the current demographic distribution per enumeration area (EA) in terms Age, Race and Gender, as well as the dominant in each of these categories.
We provide fundamental demographic insights to support a better research project and conclusion while improving the quality of your survey for more accurate results.
Roads & Amenities
Being able to analyse the accessibility of a research or sampling area allows the Market Research industry to
evaluate the area in terms of dynamics that influence or restrict the collection of sample data or insights.
GEOTERRAIMAGE provides the Market Research industry with a comprehensive inventory of location points for Points of interest, for example Restaurants, retail stores, and grocery stores. Through the use of our amenity location insights users are able to identify major areas of commerce,
residential or commercial areas to name a few.
Smart Traffic Insights
research sectors. By combining various information sources we’re able to create a picture of Traffic Flow, Road User Profile and Vehicle Profile per road segments, key elements in understanding area mobility and population movement.
GEOTERRAIMAGE provides key insights to support the sector in understanding the nature and purpose these movements as they directly impact the accessibility of communities to amenities and opportunities.
Sampling Frame
We provide a comprehensive set of key variables including number of households, population, residential night time population & estimated daytime working population, demographics, Neighbourhood Lifestyle Index®©
(NLI™©) and geographic type e.g. metro, urban, rural. Annual updates to keep track of urban, regional and rural growth as well as decline, assisting users to in successfully aligning your survey and marketing strategy to your target market.
Survey Sampler
A market research survey can help you understand several aspects of your target market, thus allowing you to improve the quality of your decisions. With GEOTERRAIMAGE ‘s unique datasets and expert knowledge, we provide the market research industry with national, up-to-date, industry specific insights and solutions.
Understanding Township Dynamics
Being able to strategically locate township areas at Enumeration Area (EA) level, allows researchers to improve the quality of their survey for more accurate results, which in turn provides insights to the demand for products and services in this ever-changing complex environment.
Neighborhood Lifestyle Index®© (NLI™©)- Share of Wallet
Attributes include credit activity across industries, credit limits & balances, bureau expenses & monthly instalments, average credit risk score, predicted- & disposable income, credit product basket and affordability amongst others. These valuable insights allow researchers to better understand consumers’ exposure and behavior in the credit market.
Neighborhood Lifestyle Index®© (NLI™©)- Consumer Behaviour
The Neighbourhood Lifestyle Index™© (NLI+™©)- Consumer Behavior aids in understand the decisions and actions that influence consumers’ purchasing behavior. It offers insights through interviewing 15,000 adult consumers annually, measuring 8,000+ brands across, 19 sectors which intelligently integrates lifestyle, media and demographic insights- comprehensive insights to ensuring your products and services meet consumer’s needs.
Market Research Insights for Africa
GEOTERRAIMAGE provides an agile solution to integrated, relevant information and knowledge for Africa- consistent, repeatable and reliable data generation and solutions.