How GeoFarmer®© assists with successful crop production
How GeoFarmer®© assists with successful crop production
The GeoFarmer®© platform provides information on crop growth and development for the entire season. Geofarmer®© also assists agricultural experts and farmers in tracking and monitoring crop conditions. The information provided by the platform acts as an early warning system to detect crop stress in specific locations within a field and is also beneficial to users like soil scientists, agronomists, research groups, and financiers that need to monitor crop growth. GeoFarmer®© is easily accessible on mobile devices with internet access.
The GeoFarmer®© crop monitoring platform offers continuous information on crop development and condition throughout the growth stages. The crop monitoring platform provides information on five crop indicators generated from satellite imagery. This information updates regularly in a five-day cycle.
• Leaf Area Indicator
• Photosynthetic Activity Indicator
• Moisture Stress Indicator
• Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
• Senescence Onset Indicator
Climatic events have a considerable effect on crop growth, crop stress and also influence production. Data on climatic indicators for crops are invaluable as they depend heavily on climatic variables. The climatic indicators on the GeoFarmer®© platform provide essential data to assist users with the analysis of crop development and production. The five Climatic Indicators on the GeoFarmer®© platform are updated daily, as listed below.
• Temperature – Minimum & Maximum Daily
• Rainfall (Precipitation)
• Humidity % (Water Vapour)
• Transpiration (Water used by the plant and indication of photosynthetic rate)
• Evaporation (Water vapour evaporating from the bare earth surface)
GEOTERRAIMAGE uses state-of-the-art technology from multiple spatial data sources to support the Agricultural and several other industries. GeoFarmer®© can support successful crop production that impacts the economy, sustainability of food resources, and availability of fresh food across the globe.
Farm Level Statistics
Farm level statistics provides an overview and comparison of fields on a specific farm for a selected date.