GeoTerraImage monitors the development and condition of Cotton production in Texas

GEOTERRAIMAGE  monitors the development and condition of Cotton production in Texas.

The ability of the GeoFarmer platform to monitor crop growth for any crop at any location in the world, based on Earth Observation technology and cloud processing, has allowed GeoTerraimage to remotely monitor cotton in Texas for our client during this past summer.

Cotton is one of the most important natural fibers, and approximately 25 million tons are produced globally on an annual basis. The United States is ranked as the third largest producer in the world, with 65% of cotton produced in the USA, cultivated in the state of Texas.

As a result of the low rainfall and dry climatic conditions in the cotton-growing region in the state of Texas during the recent summer, production was below average. This is clearly illustrated in the graph below summarising the crop condition for Bailey county in Texas: the red line (Biomass 2022) shows a well below average trend, compared to the 10-year mean (green trendline), and the blue line for above-average production in 2021.

The crop monitoring capabilities of the GeoFarmer platform can be used for multiple applications for any crop type, anywhere across the globe.

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