Earth Observation

GEOTERRAIMAGE has a well-established, proven operational capacity for utilising Earth Observation (EO) imagery for a wide range of monitoring and analytical applications in support of end-user focussed spatially-based information generation and decision support. This includes a combination of off-the-shelf, generic, standard information products and services as well as client content-specific bespoke services. Typically, the core component of these services is the production of various forms of landscape content inventory and time-based change analysis and monitoring.

The range of products, services and client-specific support activities are aimed at providing key spatially-based intelligence representing base information on which subsequent client enacted planning, management and scenario modelling decisions can be made. The range of spatially-based operational monitoring services offered by GEOTERRAIMAGE are all built on the significant technical advantages and associated opportunities associated with recent advances in cloud-based technologies, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence modelling. All of which facilitate detailed analysis of large data volumes in exceptionally short, fully automated turn-around periods.

GEOTERRAIMAGE has a well-established, proven operational capacity for utilising Earth Observation (EO) imagery for a wide range of monitoring and analytical applications in support of end-user focussed spatially-based information generation and decision support. This includes a combination of off-the-shelf, generic, standard information products and services as well as client content-specific bespoke services. Typically, the core component of these services is the production of various forms of landscape content inventory and time-based change analysis and monitoring.

The range of products, services and client-specific support activities are aimed at providing key spatially-based intelligence representing base information on which subsequent client enacted planning, management and scenario modelling decisions can be made. The range of spatially-based operational monitoring services offered by GEOTERRAIMAGE are all built on the significant technical advantages and associated opportunities associated with recent advances in cloud-based technologies, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence modelling. All of which facilitate detailed analysis of large data volumes in exceptionally short, fully automated turn-around periods.

Landscape Characterisation (encompassing Land-Cover Mapping)

Categorising landscapes in terms of land-cover and land-use characteristics is a key base information required for many geo-spatially management and resource monitoring activities.

Depending on the activity and the associated information needs, landscape characterisation can be required at range of spatial scales, geographical coverages, and time-series representations.

For example, high detail, local area information in support of cellular network planning and management in the urban landscape, through to the establishment of baseline resource inventories in more natural landscapes, for activities such as catchment-wide water resource planning, or vegetation inventory in support of Carbon or REDD+ assessments.

GTI has extensive, proven experience built around advanced image interpretation and modelling technologies, in both automated cloud-based and desk-top environments, that support the provision of cost-efficient landscape characterisation services, over any location, globally.


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