GEOTERRAIMAGE has been using technology for more than two decades to determine the area of crop types from satellite imagery and provides specialist skills in the use of remote sensing technology for agricultural applications. These applications include crop area estimates, tracking crop growth stages, land suitability and terrain analysis, as well as precision farming management support through field-level crop monitoring and moisture stress detection to improve irrigation efficiency.
GEOTERRAIMAGE has been using technology for more than two decades to determine the area of crop types from satellite imagery and provides specialist skills in the use of remote sensing technology for agricultural applications. These applications include crop area estimates, tracking crop growth stages, land suitability and terrain analysis, as well as precision farming management support through field-level crop monitoring and moisture stress detection to improve irrigation efficiency.

GEOFarmer (Crop condition indicators)
GEOTERRAIMAGE has developed the GEOFarmer®© crop indicator service to support the agricultural industry through the provision of relevant, up-to-date and accurate information, to decision makers in an easy to use cloud-based environment.
This innovative solution provides visual map illustrations, statistics, and trends for each field or farm being analysed, guiding farm management practices for more efficient and sustainable crop production in support of food security.
Several of the indicators within GeoFarmer are ideal monitoring solutions for confirming conservation agriculture/ regenerative agriculture (CA/RA) land management.
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Crop Type
The use of Earth Observation datasets makes it possible to generate information from Satellite imagery about agricultural cropping patterns. This allows the identification of specific crop types for both irrigated and rainfed fields. This information can be used to determine crop area per district, province or user defined regions for a specific growing season.
Furthermore, trends on cropping patterns as well as the distribution of different crop types can be tracked and identified.

Crop Growth Stages
GEOTERRAIMAGE has developed a set of Crop Growth reports to provide Business Intelligence to co-operatives, financiers and insurers to track grain crop development during the growing season. These reports on Crop Growth Stages provide information about the evolution of the grain cropping season from crop emergence, disease stress, moisture stress, grain filling and harvest progress.
Furthermore it also shows historical trends on farm management practices such as crop rotation and conservation farming.

Land Suitability
Land suitability data for new agricultural development provides information to select the optimal terrain for crop production. Factors such as drainage, topography, soils, rainfall and natural vegetation are considered to identify the appropriate landscape for specific crop types.

Crop Irrigation
Water is increasingly becoming a scarce resource, while the global population is growing and the demand for agricultural production is increasing. It is therefore essential that water allocated for irrigating crops is used efficiently to produce food.
GEOTERRAIMAGE has developed indicators to monitor crop moisture stress and can also provide information to schedule optimal irrigation frequencies.